lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011

Our anniversary voice archive

As we said in "Some greetings", during the anniversary celebrations graduates and current and retired lecturers were invited to record a message in the new digital lab.

Click below to listen to the greetings. You can also go to the Audioboo page to record a comment of your own!

More anniversary greetings (mp3) Greetings part 3 (mp3) Yet some more anniversary greetings (mp3)

viernes, 7 de octubre de 2011

Some tips for the road

The lectures we shared during these days of celebration have given us plenty of food for thought.
Find below some tips the lecturers have generously chosen to share with those who could not be physically present.

Magdalena Prinster de Botto
(Former Tenured Lecturer – Language III – IV, IES “Olga Cossettini")
Looking back…, looking forward

Continuous Professional Development is a life-long commitment , a moving target thus, sound advice is

*Be discerning
*Be selective
*Be open-minded
*Be active
*Be autonomous
*Be consistent
*Be reflective
*Be responsible

To this purpose, some reminders:
*If you do not have valid environments where to teach, all projects are inevitably shattered.

*If you do not have master teachers to observe and imitate, you stagnate. Professional paralysis and burn-out follows.

*If you fail to acknowledge that professional action is a craft to be learned most effectively through an apprenticeship system + accumulated experience you will always find reasons to ignore CPD.

Mariel R. Amez

(Lecturer in Literature in English I and III, IES "Olga Cossettini")
Education in the XXI century: challenges and opportunities

In order to bring about Transformative Innovation, just DO IT!
Define problem
Open mind and apply creative techniques
Identify best solution

If you want to introduce digital technologies effectively in your classroom
*Don’t be afraid
*Build a PLN
*Start small
*Ask for help
*Pedagogy – not technology
*Involve learners

Mónica Pérez

(Lecturer in Phonology I, Psycholinguistics and Literature in English I, IES "O. Cossettini")
Because I have a voice! Stammering: a new look upon an old problem through The King´s Speech

Stammering, Stuttering or Dysfluency:
*Primary cause unknown
*Multiple explanations
*Requires a multi-faceted approach

Some hints for teachers (from The British Stammering Association):
*Slow down your rate of talking.
*Try to be at the same level as the child.
*Reduce the number of questions you ask.
*Comment on the event that may be causing the dysfluency.
*Remain calm, kind and approachable.

An emotional moment

One of the many emotional moments we shared was when Prof. Ana María Lavagna read a letter which she had received from one of her former classmates:

Prof. Ana María Lavagna: I want to read these words, which I share with a lady who was once my fellow student and is still a friend. Please have my voice echo her thoughts, for I agree to her comments, only I could never have put them so nicely.

Dear all:
Congratulations on the 75th. anniversary of our beloved INSP. (I understand the name changed!) I am Adriana Misuracca, 1974 graduate whose passage through the sacred (albeit graffiti-laden) walls of the Normal 1, may now rest in the dusty recesses of someone's memory. I reside in Boston now, having emigrated to the US in 1977. Dear to my heart, and truly unforgettable, are the four years spent among profoundly interesting and dedicated people with whom I had the privilege to share, for a brief span, the best part of my young self. My gratitude and my heart-felt embrace to all, but particularly to the following, for their long-standing impact on my life.
Arlette Imbert: for having planted the seeds of interest in my profession.
Maria Rosa Coppola: for having stoically served as my role model in 5th and 6th. grade (elementary school) and later as my Phonetics & Diction I and II teacher when I turned into a young woman.
Graciela Rinesi: for having brought incredible laughter to my adolescent years as a student at ARCI.
Graciela Gimeno: for having exemplified what true grit means when standing in front of an ESL class and having intoduced me to the Roget's Thesaurus (a lifelong debt).
Nora Séculi: for delightful trips back into the 1800's and cozy evenings in the company of Jane Austen.
Yolanda Raffo: for opening the doors to a Brave New World.
Marta Benetti: for having taught me most everything I know about the beauty of words, the perfection of language, the enjoyment of literature, and, most of all, for having erected herself as a model of courage and professionalism. Most of all, I thank her for Henry James and times spent reading his work, by the fire at home, in Funes.


miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2011

Anniversary Video

See the video designed for our 75th anniversary celebrations.

It is divided in 3 parts.

We are aware that many significant people and events have not been included, but we had to rely on the photographs that were submitted to us and those that we were able to trace.

Our warmest thanks to all those who contributed their pictures.

Stay tuned for a selection of photos from the celebrations!

Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another.
G.K. Chesterton

Showcase of students' work

Follow the links below to find some examples of students' work relying on Web 2.0 tools scheduled for Sharing Day.

Due to technical issues and time constraints, the students were unable to present them, but here you can get a glimpse of what they had prepared.

Our gratitude and apologies to them.

Literature in English I and III (2nd and 4th year):

Responses to narrative and poetry

Workshop III (3rd year)

EFL Methods and Approaches

martes, 4 de octubre de 2011

Some greetings

During the celebrations last Saturday, participants were invited to try the new digital lab and to leave a greeting.

We still need to process a number of recordings, but we wanted to share with you a few of them while we get round to it.

75th anniversary - Some greetings (mp3)

lunes, 3 de octubre de 2011

Programa Martes 4/10

IES Nº 28 “Olga Cossettini” - JORNADA 75º Aniversario del PROFESORADO EN INGLÉS
LUGAR: IES Nº 28 “Olga Cossettini” Sarmiento y Rueda – HORARIO: de 17.00 a 21:00
17.00 to 18
SUM upstairs
18.00 to 18:40
Memorable lessons on…
by Prof.Marta Benetti
by Prof.María Adela Cóccolo

Classroom 13
“There, there and there”
by Prof.Alicia Nachez
Classroom 14
“Juggling Teaching”
by Prof. Maria del Carmen Fernández
Classroom 9
18:40 to 19.20
Current Learning experiences
Digital Posters: glosters and prezis
Literature III &Worshop III
Classroom 12
Presentation of Final Research Paper
Florencia Premoli
Classroom 13
PechaKucha Oral Presentations
Language III
Classroom 14
New Digital LangLab: trial session
19.20 to 21:00
by Prof. Mónica Pérez
SUM upstairs

Comentarios en redes sociales

Mientras nos preparamos para seguir celebrando, compartimos algunos comentarios publicados en el grupo de Facebook y en el grupo de graduados de LinkedIn.

Si el navegador no muestra la presentación, hacer click aquí para verla.

martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011

Jornada de desarrollo profesional - Sábado 1/10


8.30 Acreditación

9.00 Presentación de la Jornada y de la Revista institucional Conexión (número especial aniversario). Proyección de video "75 años del Profesorado"

9.45 Conferencia Prof. Magdalena Prinster de Botto

Coffee break

11.00 Conferencia Prof. Mariel Amez

11.50 Conferencia Prof. Fanny Slöer de Godfrid

12.30 Exhibición de posters

13.00 Lunch ($15 se abonan al momento del ingreso)

domingo, 18 de septiembre de 2011

75 fotos

Gracias a todos los que mandaron fotos, ya llegamos a 75.

¡Seguro que podemos juntar muchas más! Enviarlas a jefaturaprof.ingles@​

jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2011

Academic presentations: abstracts

Saturday October 1st

Prof. Magdalena Prinster de Botto
The aim of this presentation is to address issues such as:
  • the washback effect of teaching and testing
  • what the effects on the feelings and attitudes of teachers and students are
  • factors influencing the degree of washback
  • definition of kinds of washback: textbook washback, washback to the programme, washback to parents
  • dissecting the complexity of washback : differences between interwashback and intrawashback

Prof. Mariel Amez
What does it mean to be an educator in an age of change? Can we make any decisions, or should we resign ourselves to inevitable developments? Is Communicative Language Teaching relevant to contemporary needs? This presentation will explore these and other related issues, looking into the potential of digital technologies to bring about transformative innovation in our classrooms.

Tuesday October 4th
Prof. Mónica Pérez
The Oscar-winning film The King´s Speech presents a compassionate view of stammering, and provides an opportunity to talk openly about this serious communication disability. Starting with a brief analysis of the latest hypotheses regarding the origin of stammering, this talk will also cover the characteristics of stammering illustrated by scenes from the film.

viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2011

Enrolment follow-up

Check your enrolment has been recorded - and how many vacancies are left .... 100 is the limit!

Scroll down to see all records.

Note: Your private information has been hidden from public view

Saturday 1st: Lectures

Saturday 1st: Lunch

Tuesday 4th: Sharing Day

jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2011


Hemos venido interactuando en un grupo de Facebook desde hace unos meses, pero creemos que este 75 aniversario se merece un espacio más permanente.
Todos los alumnos, docentes y graduados son bienvenidos para construir juntos este blog.
Los que hoy nos desempeñamos en el Profesorado hemos planificado una serie de actividades que podrás encontrar en Jornadas 75 aniversario.
Queremos armar también un archivo de recuerdos en imágenes, por lo que les pedimos que manden sus fotos de recreos, clases, graduaciones, etc. a

Queremos unir a todos los que andan desperdigados por el país y el mundo y enterarnos de qué están haciendo: Quienes somos, donde estamos. Seguro que conocemos a algunos para sumar a esta propuesta.

Queremos recordar los buenos momentos y expresar nuestros deseos para el futuro: Recuerdos y deseos.

Y seguramente tod@s l@s teachers y teachers-to-be tendrán muchas otras ideas...